[anps_featured link_target=»_self» icon=»fa fa-plane» style=»» title=»Ethnobotanical Andean Peru» image_u=»2389″ link=»https://www.incalegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/4aff34_1c5c51b2f57440ecb86707ca3477d05c-1.pdf»]

15D 14N
SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS BOTANICAL It is committed to maintain the character and integrity of each place we visited, their environment, the culture, patrimony and…
3494 USD


[anps_featured link_target=»_self» icon=»fa fa-plane» style=»» title=»Luxury Inca Trail» image_u=»2412″ link=»https://www.incalegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/4aff34_bc9dfb7e4a8343c1b59725bef6a400f5-2.pdf»]

4D 3N
To know Machu Picchu, even if one arrives after enjoying the comfort of a train, is an extraordinary experience, for both the archeological and the mystic theme …


[anps_featured link_target=»_self» icon=»fa fa-plane» style=»» title=»Volcanoes Valley & Colca Canyon» image_u=»2397″ link=»https://www.incalegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/4aff34_9b8fda356e354d38affc12273bb125a7-1.pdf»]

6D 5N
In this expedition, you will have the opportunity to know fascinating places that will transport you to moments very far from our
550 USD


[anps_featured link_target=»_self» icon=»fa fa-plane» style=»» title=»Choqek’iraw & Machu Picchu» image_u=»2297″ link=»https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/4aff34_722ce348506d4fa9866670760fd8f660.pdf»]

8D 7N
Choqek’iraw this is an exceptional ceremonial site in the peruvian andean region, located in the mountain range of Vilcabamba, the Choqe Quirao or Choqek’iraw site  …
1390 USD



[anps_featured link_target=»_self» icon=»fa fa-plane» style=»» title=»Choqek’iraw «Gold Cradle» image_u=»2406″ link=»https://www.incalegacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/4aff34_4a0aab339aa24a04b6fb4156b3727ae5-1.pdf»]

5D 4N
From snow capped mountains and the Apurimac River to the hidden city of Choqek’iraw. Enjoy breathtaking views of the Apurimac River and the surrounding landscape …
690 USD


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